Q: How do I place an order?
A: If you have an account, make sure you are logged in first. Then start looking for items you wish to purchase, using either the search box or the list of categories on the drop down menu at the top of the site. If the product you want is in stock, click “add to cart” to add them to your online shopping cart. If the product is backordered, click the “Backorder” button to reserve one. (Not all products are allowed for backorder.) If you would like more than one unit, be sure the change the quantity before adding to your cart.
Once you have all the items you want to purchase in your cart, click the “Checkout” button. Select the address you wish to ship to, along with with the shipping method you want to use (please see our Shipping Policy page for more information). In the second column on this page, select the Payment Method you would like to use. You can enter a Promotional Code if you have one, and can opt to use Store Credit or Gift Certificates here.
Once you have all the shipping and payment information entered, verify that you have read the “Terms of Service and Shipping Policy” (we know few people actually do, but there’s actually some important info there). This will bring you to the final, end-of-the-road-check page - you aren’t done yet! Once you’ve hit the Place Order button, your order is locked in our system and its possible we may not be able to change it. You will receive an 8 digit order number. If you do not see the 8 digit order number, you have not placed your order! Please check to see if there was an error processing the order, and fix it.